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Research & Consulting Services

Hinchinbrook Eco Innovations offers a highly experienced team of expert scientists representing a diverse range of skills related to fisheries and natural resource sciences. The selection of recent and ongoing projects highlighted here illustrates just a few of our capabilities. 


Our specialties include:

Fish Population Ecology * Restoration effectiveness studies * Restoration monitoring * Survival and growth studies * Fish-habitat relationships * In-stream habitat surveys * Fish passage evaluations * Population and life cycle modeling * Stock status evaluations * Anadromous escapement monitoring

Fish Marking and Tagging * Fish capture methodologies * Fish husbandry and transport * Marking and tagging techniques * Conventional & high tech tagging technologies * Tracking and movement studies * Mark-recapture studies * Fish passage evaluations

Project Technical Support * Study Design Development * Onsite and remote training * Protocol development * Scientific review * Technical support * Capacity Building * Equipment installation and maintenance * Full service project management

Project Modernization * Independent external reviews * Advanced data collection technologies * Innovative methodologies * Policy development and review * Compliance oversight * Project planning * Study design development * Training and capacity building * Quality assurance project planning


Upper Columbia Floodplains

Conduct post-restoration monitoring of juvenile salmon populations around habitats created by floodplain restoration actions in three major tributaries of the Columbia River WA

Entiat River Restoration

Studied short- and long-term effectiveness of in-stream engineered log jams at the habitat and population scales for recovery of listed salmon populations. Entiat River, WA


McNary Dam Spillway Passage

Short term evaluation of impacts to migrating salmon smolt of planned emergency spill operations using a split-leaf configuration and temporary spillway weir. McNary Dam, WA/OR

Tiger Mill Habitat Surveys

Completed Level 1 and 2 stream habitat surveys along 11.55 miles of extremely challenging terrain in Mill Creek and associated tributaries to contribute to a Biological Assessment for consultations under ESA. Umatilla N.F., WA/OR

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